Presentation Skills | Student Success Center

Presentation Skills

Effectively presenting information is an important skill for all students, including those taking classes online.  The tools provided here can help you brush up on your presentation skills and knowledge about public speaking.

  • Content. The content of any presentation should be well organized, communicated clearly, and be consistent with the goals of your presentation.
  • Visual Aids. Presenters may choose to use visual aids to provide support and further understanding for their audience members. When using visual aids you want to be creative and make sure the visual is engaging for your audience. Every visual aid should serve a purpose; if it is not adding something valuable to your presentation it does not need to be used.
  • Delivery. Effective delivery takes practice. Students should take time to practice their presentations and seek feedback about areas for improvement if possible.

 Resources and Tips:

Creating and Delivering Effective Presentations

Improving Your Presentations

Design Tips to Elevate PowerPoint Presentations