Alumni Focus: Sydney Hylland | Get Online...

Episode 10 (18:25)

Our final guest for season one is Sydney Hylland, graduate of the Online Merchandising Master’s Degree program. Sydney shares her journey in the retail industry from North Branch, Minnesota to Momo, Sweden. You’ll get to hear how her newest employer rivals the e-commerce giant Amazon, what fascinates her about her industry, and why she believes a college degree is still worth it. She is a graduate of North Dakota State University and works for Boozt.

Download the transcript for episode 10 (PDF)

Key Points in this Episode

  • Why did you choose the field of merchandising and retail? (1:22)
  • Why a college degree is still worth it (3:45)
  • Online Merchandising Graduate Programs (7:36)
  • Working for growing retail companies with household names (8:25)
  • More about Boozt (11:05)
  • Advice for listeners thinking about getting a master's degree, and advice for someone interested in working in the retail industry (15:47)


Music Used:  “Storybook” by Scott Holmes is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0