Student Services: How Faculty and Staff Can Help | Get Online...

Episode 6 (21:25)

In this episode, we chat with Tristin Campbell and Casey Smith, distance education coordinators who employ various strategies to support online learners. Through this interview, we learn what a distance education coordinator does, how they work with faculty and staff to support students, and why they are a valuable asset within online programs and student success.

Navigating an online degree program can sometimes be a challenge for students who are also balancing work, life, family, and many other responsibilities alongside their academic career. Having a distance education coordinator who acts as a one-stop-shop allows students to focus on their learning.

Download the transcript for episode 6 (PDF)

Key Questions this Episode will Answer

  • What is the role of a distance education coordinator? (4:25)
  • How do you work with or support faculty and staff? (6:27)
  • How have you built relationships with faculty and staff on your campus? (10:17)
  • What are some advantages of having a distance education coordinator? (12:32)
  • How has your job changed since COVID-19? (16:07)


Music Used:  “Storybook” by Scott Holmes is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0